Stupid Me! I'm an IDIOT! It's the end of the year and my brain is obviously gone.
It's May..
The last Friday of the year.
The final project for your 7th graders is due today. You worked hard to create a relative, cumulative project that included technology integration, performance piece, and collaboration with other teachers. You are proud and excited for it. The students have worked like champs to perfect their presentations for the two guest judges you have coming in.
The superintendent.
And the local education cooperative history guru (who planted the seed for this awesome project). He is coming from out of town.
And because it's the end of the year.
And you have ZERO brain left.
And your the biggest IDIOT out there...
You tell your judges to be there an hour late. Even confirmed it in an email last night.
Even though your first class had the SAME START TIME ALL YEAR LONG.
But it will all work out because I work with some amazing people who will work with me!